Buyers Agent BrisbaneThis article talks about using a buyers agent, whether it’s a buyers agent Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney or elsewhere, the principals here apply.  Let’s take a look!

Early on in my investing career I was (and still am) hungry for knowledge and keen on getting in there and doing all of the work of investing myself. I am a strong advocate for increasing one’s knowledge and experience in investing and getting out there to ‘do the work’ is certainly a great way to do this!

Early on though, there was the stuff that I knew that I didn’t know, but then there was also the stuff that I didn’t even know that I didn’t know, if you know what I mean!

This brings me to the value proposition of using a buyer’s agent. This is a really important concept for me and it applies whether you are looking to use a buyers agent in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne or anywhere else for that matter.

When I starting working as a buyer’s agent it became very important to me to understand fully and be able to articulate the benefits of using a buyer’s agent. Most people think that the value proposition lies in getting a better price on a property through having good knowledge, undertaking research of the pricing in an area and having good negotiation skills. These are things that the beginner investor doesn’t really know about and skills that they may not yet have developed fully and this is all very much a part of the value proposition that a buyer’s agent offers – but there’s more to it that this.


In fact, I’d argue that the other benefits are even greater than the initial savings on purchase price that you will most likely get in the transaction.

Over the next few posts we’ll look at the benefits of using a buyer’s agent in purchasing property. We’re talking about investment property in this article but really, these benefits apply whether you are buying an investment property or buying your own home.  These benefits relate to choosing the right location, choosing the right property, getting it at the right price and getting the right service.

If you’re looking for help in finding an investment property in Brisbane, an investment property in Queensland or wanting to learn about property investing and research then contact me at Property Zest. I’d be happy to help!

The value proposition for using a buyers agent Brisbane really does extend beyond price alone!

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