If you’ve been looking into Buyers agents Queensland are wondering what value they offer you, then you may be interested in the last few weeks worth of articles we’ve been posting here at Property Zest.  The series of articles has been designed at looking more closely at the buyers agent and examining the value proposition offered by using a buyers agent.  Often when people think of reasons to use a buyers agent then the price is the biggest reason cited.  As we have covered however, price is just one of many benefits offered.  Over past weeks we’ve talked about how buyers agents can find you the right location, the right property and get you the right price.  Today, we look at the last in our series on benefits of using a buyers agent – the right service.

The right service

buyers agents QueenslandMany investors take weeks, month and even years to make that first purchase, they spend countless weekends going to a few inspections or they miss out on the properties they wanted because they didn’t get to it in time. They can find it hard to make the decision and so they can waste month or years of time when they could be investing.

Imagine, having someone on the ground researching, analysing, inspecting all whilst you are busy doing what you like to be doing. A buyer’s agent is on the ground, working full time to find the properties that will meet your requirements, with your best interests in mind. They can bring you the deals that make sense for you – and then help you make sense of them!

Having a buyer’s agent working for you can be an exciting and fun experience. Working with me, through Property Zest you can be as involved – or not involved – as you choose and can participate in any stage of the process. I love property and I love seeing people move ahead confidently with their investing!  Working together we identify your requirements and then go through the process of analysing, researching and inspecting so that we can communicate with you on a focused set of properties that meet your criteria.

Using a buyers agent can also take away the stress of having to negotiate and being emotionally involved in the negotiation.

If you’ve been looking for buyers agents Queensland to help you with your purchase then don’t hesitate to give us a call at Property Zest.  We aim to deliver the right location, the right property at the right price with the best service.  I’d love to talk property with you!

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